Wintertime at A Doll's Life For Me

Wintertime at A Doll's Life For Me
My sister is the best Christmas gift I've ever gotten.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

A Doll's Life File: Steve

Well, I know I said that I'd take a break and stay off the blog for a while, but I can't help it. I've got the blogging bug! Plus I feel kind of bad. This post was actually supposed to come out in January. So this month of February you might actually get three posts instead of two because of that. And also... I've finally done it. After all of that internal struggle in my Eight Days Alone post, I've finally done it. I made a Doll's Life File for Steve. It took a lot of effort, and nerve, and careful planning. (Oh, who am I kidding, I woke up one morning and told myself I'd do it that day.) But no matter! Because here it is. A Doll's Life File for Steve. I hope you're all proud of me, readers. First, I'd like to thank Idina, who subliminally convinced me to do this when we were talking about boys. Then I'd like to thank Loki, who left Steve out of the other dolls' daily activities so I would have time to interview him. And finally, I'd like to thank Steve himself, who stood still for about a half an hour while I asked him pointless questions. This is my interview with Steve and how all of that turned out.

Elsa(me): *with She's laptop ready to go* Hi, Steve. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to let me interview you.
Steve: *standing by She's laptop* Um, sure. No problem. Just... an interview? What is this for?
Elsa: My blog. You do know that I have a blog, right?
Steve: Well, now I do.
Elsa: *giggles* Ha, okay. Just so you know, since the last Doll's Life File... that's what I call these doll interviews... I've added a few new questions to ask you. Are you okay with that?
Steve: I don't even know what a Doll's Life File is... so, um, sure. *sits down*
Elsa: Great! So let's get right to it. What is your full name?
Steve: Steve Rogers.
Elsa: *typing* Okay, nice. Of course, I already knew that. Now, do you have any nicknames?
Steve: *laughs awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck* Oh, sure, tons. I told you most of them at Christmastime, right?
Elsa: Yes, I believe you did, but it wouldn't hurt for a quick refresher.
Steve: Okay. Um, let's see. Captain America, Cap, Super Soldier, The First Avenger, Dorito...
Elsa: *stops typing suddenly* Wait a minute, Dorito?! Like the nacho cheese chip?
Steve: It's a long story, believe me. *sighs* The list just goes on and on.
Elsa: I'll just put those ones down, then. Next question. Where did She find you?
Steve: I think it was, rather, that you found me.
Elsa: *tries to hide a blush* Right. But... let's just pretend that She did for now.
Steve: Well, I was originally found on the thirteenth of December by another human...
Elsa: Oh! MyLittleMegara, right?
Steve: *raises an eyebrow* Yes... anyways. It was in the toy section of a store called Target. The boy's section of toys. I was on a shelf with other Steves just like me, and Tonys, and Thors. It was a little claustrophobic, but even amongst the other Avengers doll, my kind was treated the most like a hero. I wasn't sure why, but it was nice. Then again, I had to ask myself if this adulation, this god status above all the others, was really what I was destined for. I try to be humble. I don't care much if I don't get a lot of attention. So when I was picked up by MyLittleMegara and brought here to She's house on the eighteenth of the same month, I went crazy, searching everything and everywhere for something that would make me, me. Not some hero. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man. When I couldn't find my whenever, I came back here to the rest of you guys. And... I think I found it. *finishes with a nod*
Elsa: *typing furiously, trying to get every good detail in* Wow... that was... um... a lot. But cool. Thanks. 
Steve: *clears throat* Anyways, um, next question?
Elsa: Oh, yes, right. I was just so caught up in your story... *waves hand around awkwardly, then proceeds typing finding place and date.* Oh! So since the last Doll's Life File I did, which was Magneto's, I've changed some things up and added a few new questions, like I said before we started. Do you still want to proceed?
Steve: *jokingly* Am I being graded for this?
Elsa: Of course not.
Steve: Okay. Then I'm good.
Elsa: *laughs again* Great. So in what ways do you relate to your human counterpart?
Steve: Well, um, the guy that plays me in the Captain America movies is a man named Chris Evans. I'm not much like him in real life, personality wise, but behind the mask, I think I look a lot like him. I was probably modeled after him anyway, rather than the actual Captain America comic.
Elsa: Cool. And oh, quick question, if you don't mind me asking.
Steve: Is this part of the interview?
Elsa: No. And I don't have to write it down if you don't want me to.
Steve: No, that's fine. Write whatever you want.
Elsa: Why do you always wear that mask?
Steve: *looks down* My entire face misshapen and I don't want people to see it.
Elsa: *gasps* Really? That's horrible! I'm sorry that the factory made you that way!
Steve: *looks up at me again, eyes twinkling* Nah, I'm just kidding. My face is fine under this. But I literally cannot take this mask off.
Elsa: What? Like, ever?
Steve: Nope. It was literally painted onto my face mold. Never coming off.
Elsa: Geez... still, that's kind of unfortunate.
Steve: It's no biggie. You should see what they did to Iron Man.
Elsa: Wow. Um, okay! Back to the real questions! I'm just going to go ahead and finish this off right now so I don't have to work on it by myself later. What's your species?
Steve: Species?
Elsa: Yeah, you know. Like how Magneto is a key-chain and Olaf is a plushie and Nessa is an ornament. Your doll species.
Steve: I suppose I'm a twelve inch action figure? I'm not really sure what you would call me.
Elsa: *mumbles under breath* Maybe... the perfect boyfriend?
Steve: What was that?
Elsa: Oh, nothing. Just me talking to myself. What are your strengths?
Steve: My own strengths or my characters?
Elsa: Yours. You are your own person, you know. My character is from an animated Disney movie and voiced by Idina Menzel. Sure, I may have her ice powers, and somewhat of her voice, but I'm not her, exactly. Get what I mean?
Steve: Sort of. But I'm still sort of a newbie around here. I'm still trying to figure out who I am.
Elsa: Fair enough. I'll just type in a few things for you real quick. *typing furiously*

Steve: *standing up and curiously tries to look over the laptop screen* What are you writing?

Elsa: Your strengths.
Steve: Well, what are they? I'm curious to see what you think of me.
Elsa: *blushing like an idiot* Well, I just said that you were selfless, and strong, and fun to be around, and you have a good sense of humor.
Steve: *beaming* That doesn't sound like a bad list at all.
Elsa: That's because it isn't. But this one might be a little more negative. What are your weaknesses?
Steve: *blows a gust of air out of his mouth* Um, well, for starters, I went completely crazy and ransacked She's house trying to look for myself one day.
Elsa: Yeah, but you were new. And a little scared, if I'm allowed to say. We all act a little weird on our first day.
Steve: You would call that "little?"
Elsa: No, not really, but those are all of the negatives I can find about you.
Steve: I'm sure once you get to know me better you'll find some more. But let's just keep that list to one thing for now. I don't want to strain your typing hands by giving you such a long list of weaknesses.
Elsa: Sure. Now, do you have any powers or special abilities?
Steve: Not anything like yours. Which by the way, it's pretty cool that you can do that.
Elsa: *flattered* Thanks. It wasn't something I chose to have, but I'm pretty happy that I do... Wait a minute, did you say cool?
Steve: *fixes me with a serious gaze* Cool as ice.
*both burst out laughing*
Elsa: *panting* Okay, that was pretty funny. But anyways, you're done, Steve. Again, thanks for letting me interview you.
Steve: *smile fade* Wait a minute, it's over?
Elsa: Yeah, the interview's done. I asked you all the questions that I needed to.
Steve: *sadly* Oh. Well, okay. I guess I'll be going now. *turns to leave*
Elsa: Wait, Steve!
Steve: Yeah?
Elsa: You know... maybe I could fudge in a few questions just for you. Since you enjoyed this so much and all?
Steve: *brightens* Really? Because that would be great. Napoleon started rambling off to me about America's history before I came over here and I kind of want to avoid him for as long as I can.
Elsa: But shouldn't America's history, be, like, your thing? As Captain America and all?
Steve: To tell you the truth, I don't know a thing about history. It's not that I don't care for it. But it doesn't really fascinate me, either. I'm somewhere in the middle ground on my opinion, and Napoleon thinks that just because of my title that I'm going to be a history geek like him.
Elsa: Yeesh. Well, good luck to you, then. But until you need to leave, I'll just throw you some pointless questions, okay?
Steve: *putting his game face on* I'm ready. Throw away.
Elsa: Okay, um, what's your favorite color?
Steve: Blue. And red. And white. That's kind of a given for me.
Elsa: Favorite food we had when She was gone for those eight days?
Steve: The sandwiches. They smelled amazing.
Elsa: Favorite season?
Steve: I think I'm starting to like winter.
Elsa: *hopeful* Really?
Steve: *nodding enthusiastically* Yeah. At first, when you were showing your powers off to me that one day, I thought what you could do was fantastic. But I didn't like the ice as much since my character equivalent had sort of a bad run-in with some ice one time. But then you turned the living room into an ice rink when She was gone on the seventh day. That's when I found out I was a great at ice hockey.
Elsa: *laughing cheerily* You really are.
Steve: And also I found out how beautiful winter could be. *looks at me intentionally for a second, but then turns away to cough*
Elsa: *speechless for a second, but then brain turns back on* Yeah, I like winter a lot, too. Well, obviously, look at me. *I make a funny face and laugh again, and that seems to break the ice*
Steve: Ha ha, yeah. All hail the true queen of the ice and snow!
Elsa: *bowing* Thank, you, thank you. No pictures, please! I forgot to brush my hair today!
*We continue talking and joking around until Napoleon comes to get him. I was able to sneak in one quick profile shot for the Doll's Life File before he left, looking back and mouthing "Help me!" in a joking manner.*

So that was my interview with Steve. And all the fear I felt earlier with my internal struggle to ask them really seemed worthless in the end, because I think that we both enjoyed it very much. And after this, who know what will come out of it? After all, anything is possible if you have the right mindset.

Full Name: Steve Rogers
Finding Place: Apparently, the Marvel section in Target, first my MyLittleMegara, but then She received him as a Christmas present. After, I found him myself still in his box on She's bed.
Finding Date: December 13th originally, but didn't come to She's house until December 18th.
Species: 12-inch Marvel action figure
Strengths: Selfless, strong, fun to be around, and has a good sense of humor.
Weaknesses: Often has small bouts of anxiety. But who doesn't, honestly?
Powers: None, really, but I think being good at ice hockey and other physical activities should count for something.
Status: The possible perfect boyfriend???

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