Wintertime at A Doll's Life For Me

Wintertime at A Doll's Life For Me
My sister is the best Christmas gift I've ever gotten.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

A Doll's Life File: Pocahontas

Here is my second post for the month of February! Except a very important post to be published sometime in early March. You'll love it... trust me.
*Anelle, instructing Pocahontas how to train one of the dogs with a treat*: And this gray one is called Chloe. She's the younger of the two of them, so she needs more convincing sometimes. Here. It's best if you look them in the eye when you tell them to sit. And do it sternly, but not cruelly. *to Chloe* Sit! Sit! Come on, you've done it for me before.
*Pocahontas, tilting her head curiously at Chloe*: What if... you didn't have to speak at all? *brings her hand slowly to the Chloe's head, with Chloe sitting down immediately* There.
Anelle: How did you do that?!
Pocahontas: *grinning mischievously* I have my own secrets.
Elsa (Me): Hey guys. What are you doing?
Anelle: Training the dogs. Well... mostly Pocahontas is. Chloe won't listen to me today.
Pocahontas: It's not her fault. Chloe will listen to anyone as long as she can get a treat for it. *feeds Chloe the dog treat*
Anelle: I never see you around the dogs, Elsa. There must be some other reason why you're here.
Elsa: Oh, no, trust me, I like dogs. But you're right. I was actually wondering if Pocahontas wanted to come do a Doll's Life File interview with me. For the blog.
Pocahontas: *brow furrowed* I was unaware you had a bl- a blog, is it? What is a blog?
Elsa: It's like a story about all of our lives. Written by me. Online.
Pocahontas: Oh-kay? I do not know what an online is, either.
Elsa: Come. I'll show you. See you later, Anelle. *leads Pocahontas to the Room She Lives In, where the laptop is open and ready to be typed upon*
Pocahontas *about the laptop*: This is an online?
Elsa: No, this is a laptop. This is what we use to go online. That's where my blog is.
Pocahontas: Let me see!

Elsa: Okay, this is it. *turns the laptop screen towards her, showing her our homepage*
Pocahontas: I like that. I would very much like to be a part of this... blog?
Elsa: Yeah, great! So, um... what is your full name?
Pocahontas: Pocahontas.
Elsa: Don't you have a last name?
Pocahontas: My people never had a need for them. We know each-other by the relationships we make. I am the daughter of Chief Powhatan.
Elsa: Okay, I guess we could use that. And what was your finding place?
Pocahontas: Finding place?
Elsa: You know... where our human first found you?
Pocahontas: I started out in a warehouse, like most dolls. I had a tribe with other Pocahontas-es. Eight of us were there. And then one day... we were boxed up, and shipped away by these strange cars. And now I am here. *looks out the window distantly*
Elsa: Did you want to talk about something?
Pocahontas: *sighing* No. Everything's alright. But I miss them. We were very close; our friendships became family. I wish they could be here with me.
Elsa: I understand. I was awfully close with some Anna and Elsa dolls in my store. *pauses* But on the bright side, we can be like family to you, too.
Pocahontas: I hope so. I feel like... I feel like everything in my life happened too quickly. It would be nice to settle down with people I like, and people that like me. *turns her head as Chloe, the dog, pushed her way into the Room She Lives In and jumped up on the bed, curling up immediately under Pocahontas's arm*

Elsa: Trust me, everyone likes you Pocahontas. Now, your finding date with December 25th, and-
Pocahontas: -Actually...
Elsa: Yes?
Pocahontas: I've been spending a lot of time with Moana. She told me that her finding day was also December 25th, but she changed it to January 1st. Can I do the same?
Elsa: To January 1st? I guess so...
Pocahontas: No, to June 23rd. I think that would be more special to me. That was the release date of my movie. I noticed a lot of dolls here have the same finding day. If mine were different, it might be easier to remember.
Elsa: Good idea. *typing* Maybe this is something we can continue on into the future for new dolls.
Pocahontas: And can I ask you another favor?
Elsa: Sure. Anything.
Pocahontas: Um... you can call me Poca for short. I realize you were probably typing a lot. I know my name is very long. So your fingers must be in pain.
Elsa: Oh trust me, this is nothing. You should see my other posts. They're basically novels with pictures.
"Poca": What are novels?
Elsa *laughing*: Another word for books.
Poca: Oh. I understand. *getting up, beckoning Chloe with her* Are we finished?
Elsa: Yes, we are. Thanks, Poca.
Poca: No, thank you.

Full Name: Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan (Poca for short)
Finding Place: A Disney store warehouse, later under the larger human Christmas tree
Finding Date: December 25th
Species: 11" Disney classics doll
Strengths: Multilingual, understanding, willing to learn
Weaknesses: Needs to find her "whenever", a little incompetent, trouble pronouncing new words
Powers: Can change languages at ease, almost in a magical way. Also has a powerful connection to nature.
Status: As Poca easily gets along with everyone, she is a welcome addition to the Disney doll group.

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