Wintertime at A Doll's Life For Me

Wintertime at A Doll's Life For Me
My sister is the best Christmas gift I've ever gotten.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Doll's Life File: She

Today is a very special day both in the world of dolls and humans in She's household, as it is She's finding day! Well... birthday, as they call it. And I knew just the way to celebrate it. Now that the Code of Dolls was no longer in place with She, I wanted to get her more involved with the blog, and the best way to do that was to create She's own Doll's Life File. I caught her in one of the rare moments of the day when She was alone and not very busy. And here's the result of that interview.
Elsa (Me): *pulls the laptop up onto She's bed as She applies makeup in the mirror* Hey, She?
She: *smacks lips together* Yeah?
Elsa: Could I interview you for something?
She: *confused* ...Why?
Elsa: It's for my blog. I think I told you I had a blog. Well, I've been working on trying to interview every doll to get a sort of profile on them. And now that you've found out the Code, I wanted to do you, too.
She: *puts the cap on her lipstick and sits with her legs crossed on the bed* Okay, but I haven't got a lot of time.
Elsa: Understandable. *starts a new post* So, mind giving your full name?
She: If this is going public... I'd rather not. Sorry.
Elsa: Okay, I'll just put "She". That'll do. And where were you found? Er, born?
She: *twiddles thumbs* Let's just say I was born east of here.
Elsa: East-of-here. Got it.
She: I'm assuming you'll also want to know my birth date?
Elsa: *playing dumb* Hm? Birth date?
She: Yeah, you know, that's like your finding day. Actually, today is-
Olaf: *cutting She off and jumping up from behind a pillow* Happy birthday! *gallops towards She, gift in hand* I made you a bracelet! Look, it matches the one I have!

She: *gasping, slips on the bracelet* Oh, Olaf! You're just the sweetest thing. Good job on the bracelet.
Olaf: *bashfully* Aw, thanks.
Elsa: We have another gift for you, too.
She: What? Really? Guys I don't... how did you...?
Anna: *pushing a small, square box onto the bed* We all pitched in to get it for you, but this was mostly Nessa's idea.
She: *taking the package* Well, thank you, Nessa.
Nessa: *shouting from the shelf* You're welcome!
She: But... how did you get the money for it?
Olaf: That plastic rectangle in your wallet buys things!
Elsa: *sheepishly* ...Sorry...
She: *sighs* Olaf, I think it's best if only I use that plastic rectangle in my wallet from now on.
Olaf: Oh, okay.
Anna: *climbing onto the bed* Go on and open the present! He can't wait in there forever.
She: *eyes widening* He?
Anna: Open it!
She: *tears the newspaper wrapping off of the box, only to see another face staring back into hers* You guys got me another doll? Isn't that a little... weird?
Anna: Well, he's a Funko Pop. The Funkos looked like they were getting lonely. And we agreed he would be a fine one to add to your collection.
She: He is a Funko! *starts laughing somewhat uncontrollably*
Olaf: What's so funny?

She: It's just that- well- that's not the only Funko Pop I've received as a birthday present. *leans over the side of her bed to reach for something underneath, pulling out yet another Funko in a box* I got him on the 9th. I just forget he was under there until now. This is Time, from that live action Alice in Wonderland sequel. Not a great movie, but MyLittleMegara knew how much I liked Time's character.
Elsa: So MyLittleMegara bought him for you?
She: Yeah. She's the best. *her face falls* I haven't seen her much since I've gone off to college... but no matter. Look, they can be buddies now! Time and this other guy. Uh... who is this other guy?
Elphaba: *from the shelf, her face buried in the screen of She's iPod* His own thing!
She: What?
Anna: Elphie, get over here and show her what you mean.
Elphie: Oh, you'll love it, She. It's this video of a sketch these humans put on for Halloween one year, and it got popular enough to make Funko Pops of the main character. Obviously.
She: Oh-kay...
Elphie: *brings over She's iPod and shows us the video. I'm not going to show a link here, as there is mild swearing in it. However, if you are interesting in viewing it yourself, it is easily found by searching SNL "Haunted Elevator" sketch.* It's hilarious, right?
She: It's... uh... it's something else.
Elsa: Elphaba likes weird things.
She: Well, lucky for her, so do I. *picks up the Funko we gave her and examines him* David S. Pumpkins. *frowns* But why isn't he alive?
Anna: He should be. Maybe he's skittish because you're here.
She: But I'm interacting with other dolls! Well, whatever. Have the other Funkos met him yet?
Olaf: No, not yet.
She: Oof, they're in for quite a surprise, aren't they? I mean, he's not exactly the Marvel warrior group aesthetic they're going for.
Elsa: Nessa figured they could use some humor to round out the team.

She: Of course. *places David S. Pumpkins next to Time's box* Hopefully everyone will get along.
Nessa: *from the shelf* And if not, we'll make them like each-other!
Elphie: Nessa, the new Funkos are being shy.
Nessa: They're probably just adjusting. It's fine.
She: Is this usually how these things happen?
Nessa: Depends on the doll, really.
Elsa: Wait a minute. If all Funkos are mute, and they're being held in those boxes, they probably can't communicate with us at all, even if they wanted to.
She: *going pale and swearing under her breath* You're right, Elsa. I didn't even think- oh God, they must think I'm an awful person by now. *scrambling to open up their boxes, Time is first*
Elphie: It looks like they were stuck in that clear plastic carton.
She: Yeah... *grumbling, shakes off the carton and sets the Funko down on the bed* Okay, Time, now you're free!
Time: *blinking, spins around slowly to each of us to drink in the surroundings of his new home*
Olaf: *waving, unafraid of strangers if they are to become friends* Hi!
Time: *waves back*
She: You're not afraid of me?
Time: *turns to She and shakes his head*
She: You already know that the Code of Dolls has been broken, don't you?
Time: *nods*
She: And you're not mad at me for keeping you in a box under my bed for, like, two weeks?
Time: *holds out the hand not grasping an unusual green scepter*
She: Um...
Anna: I think he wants to shake your hand.
She: Okay. *pinches Time's tiny gloved hand with her thumb and index finger* Friendly little sucker, aren't you?
Elsa: He forgives you.

She: So no hard feelings, Time?
Time: *shakes head*
She: *smiles* Awesome. Now, should we let your friend out of his box?
Time: *points to David's box*
She: Okay, here goes. *lets David S. Pumpkins out* Hiya, David.
David: *looks up at his new human and opens both of his hands, creating a large, horizontal space between them*
She: Oh, sorry. Full name, right? David S. Pumpkins.
David: *points finger guns at her*
She: What does the S. stand for?
David: *shrugs, but we can tell he knows and just won't tell us*
She: Anyways, Time, meet David S. Pumpkins, and David S. Pumpkins, meet time. Are you sure I just can't call you David?
David: *moves his hands in a way that says, "we'll see*
She: Welcome home, guys.
Time: *waves again. That seems to be his thing*
She: But listen, I got to go. Lots of birthday things to do. You understand, right? *gets up from her bed* I'll be back later. Can I trust one of you to get the new Funkos acquainted with the others? Thanks, guys. *leaves*
Anna: Did you get to finish her interview?
Elsa: Nope. I still need a file photo. But look. Olaf is socializing with the Funkos. They seem to be getting along.

Olaf: *jumping up to Time and David* Hi, I'm Olaf! And I like warm hugs!
Time: *immediately hugs him*
Olaf: Wow, nobody ever does that. Hey, do you want me to show you around?
David: *flashes a double thumbs up*
Anna: *to me* Really well, actually. Maybe these new Funkos aren't like the Funky Warriors.
Elsa: *softly, to Anna* You know, I used to think that it was just a Funko thing. That all Funkos were territorial like that. But maybe I was wrong. Maybe there's something more to the Funky Warriors that we're not getting. Maybe something made them that way.
Anna: *whispering back* I was thinking that same thing.
Olaf: Come on, I'll take you to meet the rest of your kind! Don't worry, they only look scary at first. I think they're in the basement. Ooh, maybe they're playing air hockey! That's a lot of fun, too.
Anna: *nudging me* The humans are gone. Want to go join them?
Elsa: I'll go tell Steve. He'll want to come, too.
And later on, when She returned from her birthday outing, She brought home another present.
She: *entering the bedroom with something hidden behind her back* Guys, you will never believe what I just got from my sister. *places the package on her bed*
Olaf, Nessa, Elphaba, Anna, and Elsa in unison: Another one?!
She: *excitedly* Yeah, it's Bob Ross! That painter guy I watch sometimes? Isn't he adorable? I'm going to take him out right now.
Nessa: *crossing arms smugly* I thought you said you weren't trying to get any more dolls.
She: I was given this one. It's different. And there's still room to change my mind. *practically rips the packaging off the new Funko* 

Bob: *immediately falls over as soon as he is stood up*
She: Aw, are you a little top-heavy?
Bob: *points to the paint bucket that was put over his shoe*
She: Oh. Well that's awfully inconvenient for everyone involved.
Bob: *pushes himself up and brushes off his overalls*
She: You good?
Bob: *nods, his afro rocking back and forth*
She: If you promise to stay still, I can take you on a tour of your new home. Would you like that?
Elsa: Actually, She, could I get a quick picture of you first?
She: Sure. Why?
Elsa: Remember that interview we were doing earlier?
She: *smacks head* I completely forget about that!
Elsa: It's okay. No headshots, right?
She: Yes, please. What do you want me to do?
Olaf: David S. Pumpkins has an idea?
David: *next to Olaf on the dresser, does his famous finger gun pose*
She: Ah, perfect. *mimics David and then laughs to herself* I've got a room full of dolls and one of them runs a blog. Yeah, I could get used to this.

Full Name: She (Real name unknown)
Finding Place: East-of-here
Finding Date: (Or birth date) October 20th
Species: Human
Strengths: Writing, understanding, often chill.
Weaknesses: Weird sense of humor, forgetful, sometimes unpredictable.
Powers: As far as I know, humans don't have magic like dolls do. At least not the same kind of magic.
Status: The best human we could ask for!

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